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Nativity brightens spirits through cold drizzle
Following the instructions of the angels who appeared to them in the fields, the shepherds went to the stable to worship the newborn Christ, not caring that in this case, Jesus was actually played by a baby girl. For more than 50 years, the show has been an annual gift to the community from the First United Methodist Church.
George Barnette

Johnson City’s Living Nativity Pageant has closed for the season after 20 performances at the First United Methodist Church. Cold, wet weather kept attendance down, despite the steel roof over both audience and performers. Still, the show staff estimates almost 1,200 people braved the drizzle to watch the light-and-sound portrayal of the first Christmas. “We always wish we could have shown more people our story of the birth of the Christ child,” said Pastor Lee Romero, “but we know that ...

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