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Lights Spectacular making Johnson City spirits bright
Lights Spectacular will illuminate Johnson City starting this Friday, November 25. Festivities will continue through New Years. The entire town will be aglow with more than 2 million lights. Shown above, the Blanco County Courthouse in Johnson City dons a cloack of lights for the 2015 event. The grounds sport “hill country style” decorations such as a cowboy santa, and a wooden horse drawn sleigh. Photo by Glynn Miller.
Glynn Miller

During the holiday season, Johnson City becomes a much brighter spot on the map. Lights Spectacular powers up this Friday, November 25. From the Pedernales Electric campus to the Blanco County Courthouse in the Johnson City square, over two million lights will illuminate the town. Memorial Park is overflowing with Christmas decorations and the streets are lined with snowflakes and Santas. The season-long celebration kicks off this Friday at the annual “Let there be Light” event.

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