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Council comments: new members sworn into office

The City of Horseshoe Bay’s regular city council meeting was held Tuesday, May 18, at 3 p.m. in the city hall council chambers. Mayor Cynthia Clinesmith welcomed those in attendance and invocation was given by Father Ruben Patino, C.S.P. from the St. Paul the Apostle Parish, followed by pledges to the American and Texas flags.

Former council member and mayor pro-tem Kent Graham was recognized for his service to the City of Horseshoe Bay for the last five years. Perhaps the most important role has been keeping a watchful eye on the finances of the city. He provided leadership in developing a five-year budget plan and closely monitoring implementation to ensure that monies and investments were protected. We appreciate his service and will miss his wisdom and leadership.

Council member Graham’s resignation also left two particularly important positions within the council open. Fortunately, Jerry Gray, former council member and mayor pro-tem, has agreed to return to the council to complete Graham’s term. The city’s newest council member, Elsie Thurman, will serve as mayor pro-tem.

Fire Chief Brent Batla presented Keith Payne with a 20-year service award. Payne started with the Lake LBJ MUD in 2001 at the Horseshoe Bay Police Department. In 2007, he transferred into the Horseshoe Bay Fire Department where he has navigated through a great deal of change during his tenure. Payne was promoted to the position of engineer for A-Shift, where he is a dedicated and loyal employee who works to fill a variety of roles. Payne holds, through the Texas Commission on Fire Protection: Advanced Structure Firefighter, Instructor 1, Fire, Arson Investigator, Fire Inspector, and Driver Operator-Pumper. As all Horseshoe Bay Fire Department members must be dual certified, Payne holds a Texas Department of State Health Services EMT-B certification as well. He is a great asset to the city.

Finance Director Margie Cardenas presented a financial review through the second quarter of the 2021 fiscal year. She indicated that the city is on target as projected. Her full presentation is posted on the city’s website under the finance department page.

Development Services Director Sally McFeron and staff reviewed the Covenants Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s) pertaining to zoning matters for the various subdivisions in Horseshoe Bay and compared them to the city’s zoning ordinance with the goal of aligning. Over the last year, city staff met with representatives of the various POAs and a representative of the corresponding Architectural Control Committee (ACC) to review the CC&Rs that pertain to zoning. Next, staff took those comments and requests and created an amendment to the city’s zoning ordinance. After conducting a public hearing at its May 2, meeting, the planning and zoning commission unanimously recommended approval of the ordinance. After a full review and elimination of several outdated items, there were 18 changes accepted. The council discussed the process and adjustments prior to voting to accept the zoning ordinance amendment.

Planning and zoning commissioner Beverly Graham submitted her resignation on April 12, creating a vacancy on the commission with a term ending Dec. 31, 2022. After reviewing the active applications on file from residents who have recently expressed an interest in serving on the commission and discussion, the P&Z Chair Brent Lane recommended appointment of Camille Reasor, assistant district attorney for the local district attorney’s office. The council approved Reasor’s appointment by a unanimous vote. In addition, her husband is a police officer with the City of Horseshoe Bay.

City Manager Stan Farmer provided information and a recommendation to award a contract for street improvement projects. All streets that recently met the requirement of 15 houses per mile equivalent are included for a total of 1.6 miles at a cost of $1,880,286. Maps of the specific areas to be upgraded with ribbon curbing & asphalt will be posted on the city’s website. This project will commence later this summer and continue into the fall. Both bids were reviewed, and references were checked for the companies submitting. Based on information provided and a positive work history, Aaron Concrete was awarded the project.

Finance Director Cardenas presented a resolution to amend the Depository Accounts Delegated Authority on the City of Horseshoe Bay bank accounts at First United Bank and at the two Investment Pools: TexPool and Texas Class. The staff requested the city council select another Council Member to replace former Council Member Kent Graham. The council selected council member Elaine Waddill.

City Secretary Kerri Craig presented a detailed report highlighting the excellent progress being made in the restructuring of records management within the city. Much time and attention are required to maintain proper recording, maintenance, and preservation of the city’s legislative history and official documents. Kerri stated that providing responsive customer service to our residents and neighbors when responding to public information requests (PIRs) is always a top priority with most responses provided within two business days or less (86 percent).

As always, it has been a busy month for our city. As our work continues, we hope you will mark your calendar and make it a priority to join us for meetings and opportunities for resident input in the decision-making process. The next city council meeting will be June 15 in the city council chambers at city hall. We hope you will join us for that meeting.

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