Like elsewhere in the state and across the country, cases of COVID-19 are rising across the Texas Hill Country, including in Burnet and Llano counties. It’s a concerning trend, especially since it comes amid the holiday season when many healthcare facilities are also busy caring for patients with other illnesses that are prevalent this time of year.
However, there is finally a silver lining with the introduction of a vaccine that appears to be highly effective. Although it will not bring an immediate end to the pandemic, and it will likely still be months before it is widely available to the general public, it is an important milestone in the fight against COVID-19.
As we look forward to the day vaccines are readily available to everyone, we all must continue to protect ourselves and each other especially during the holidays.
Keep practicing the basics
While much has changed in what we know and how we treat COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, the best ways members of the community can help stop the spread have not. Wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth, maintaining a physical distance of six feet or more around others, and washing your hands often remain the most effective ways to keep COVID-19 at bay.
Between holiday parties and Christmas meals, this time of year is marked by gatherings with friends and loved ones. But according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the safest way to celebrate is at home with the members of your own household. Looping in extended family through video conferencing or phone calls can help keep you connected without potentially exposing a loved one who may be at higher risk of developing serious complications from COVID-19. For more ideas on having a happy and safe holiday, visit
What to do if you think you have COVID-19
If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, weakness, muscle pain, diarrhea, vomiting, or loss of smell or taste, you should isolate yourself from others and contact your healthcare provider immediately.
If you don’t have a healthcare provider, please download the MyBSWHealth app for your smart phone, or visit, to take a free COVID-19 screening. You also can call (844) BSW-DOCS to be connected with a healthcare provider. Although there is no cure for COVID-19, there are treatments now available that can reduce some patients’ risk of getting a severe case of the disease if addressed early enough.
Don’t delay care
The holiday season is also cold and flu season, as well as the time of year for heightened incidence of certain other conditions like heart attack and stroke. It’s important not to delay care, especially in the event of a medical emergency. Well before the pandemic, infection prevention has been a major area focus for healthcare providers. It’s a focus that has only sharpened over the past ten months, and BS&W hospitals, emergency departments and clinics have all taken additional steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our facilities.
This includes masking everyone who enters, temperature checks and immediately separating anyone suspected of COVID-19 into an isolated area, as well as enhanced cleaning protocols. There is no need to delay care, which can have serious unintended consequences.
At BS&W one of our core values is we are in it together. And during the pandemic, the backing of our community has been essential to helping our care teams rise to the challenge. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to keeping those around you safe.
Dr. Salman is Associate Chief Medical Officer, BS&W – Hill Country Region. Dr. Knepper is Medical Director, Department of Emergency Medicine at BS&W Health