This year, the Fourth of July holiday falls on a Saturday and we expect, as in years past, a large turnout for the fireworks display on Saturday evening.
In order to facilitate the swift, safe, and steady exit of spectators from the area of the Yacht Club, we will once again execute a traffic plan for that section of Horseshoe Bay Blvd between the traffic circle and the Yacht Club. This is the same plan utilized in years past, but as a reminder to most and advisory to some, here is what to expect:
Parking on HSB Blvd is prohibited at all times. Beginning at 5:30 PM, any vehicles parked along HSB Blvd will be removed by wreckers at the owner’s expense.
Each side of HSB Blvd between the traffic circle and the Yacht Club will be divided into two lanes by cones and barricades.
The INSIDE lanes on both sides are dedicated to vehicular traffic. The OUTSIDE lane traveling FROM the Yacht Club TO the circle is dedicated to pedestrian traffic only. The OUTSIDE lane traveling FROM the circle TO the Yacht club is dedicated for emergency first responders and must be kept free of all traffic, both vehicle and pedestrian.
Immediately following the conclusion of the fireworks display a contraflow system will be employed. This means the inside lane of vehicular traffic traveling from the circle toward the Yacht Club will be REVERSED. All traffic exiting the Yacht Club using that lane will be required to turn left at the circle and use HSB Blvd toward FM 2147. Vehicles exiting via the inside lane on the opposite side will be required to turn right onto Hi Circle North toward the hotel.
All vehicle traffic traveling from the direction of FM 2147 will be required to stop at the circle and wait until the lanes are returned to normal. In years past, this typically takes approximately 20 minutes.
HSB police officers and HSB Resort employees will be located in numerous places along that section of HSB Blvd before, during, and after the fireworks display to ensure the safe ingress and egress for everyone concerned.