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Adjusting to the New Normal

Local businesses, churches, and organizations are responding to the COVID-19 in a variety of reasoned fashions.

On Wednesday, the Marble Falls Independent School District suspended normal school operations until at least March 29. In a message to parents, Superintendent Dr. Chris Allen conveyed a positive message. “In the midst of regional closures of schools and businesses, there is a lot of communication about what not to do. It’s important to remember that the goal of these closures is social distancing, not social isolation. It would be smart to avoid large gatherings and interactions with vulnerable groups such as the elderly or people with underlying medical conditions. But it would be dangerous to sit at home in fear of looming misfortune.”

The Horseshoe Bay Property Owners' Association decided last week to close Quail Point Lodge as of March 16 to all non-critical group gatherings until further notice and has postponed its annual meeting that had been scheduled for March 21. The HSB POA Board of Directors election will proceed via its electronic and mail in ballots, with the results posted on the website on Monday, March 23. HSB POA staff will work remotely as a safety precaution.

The Church at Horseshoe Bay canceled its services last Sunday and has canceled services for this upcoming Sunday. The Church Board will monitor the data as it evolves and make decisions about future cancellations based on the best interests of its members and employees.

St. Paul the Apostle held all Masses this past weekend, but on Tuesday was instructed by the Austin diocese to discontinue public Masses until further notice “out of pastoral concern for the people of central Texas.” Priests may conduct private Masses.

The Bible Church of the Lakes held services last Sunday and has not canceled any upcoming services as of press time. The church provided disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer to parishioners last Sunday as they entered the building. David Pope, Chair of the Board of Deacons, said some members called to say they had a cough or other minor ailment, so they would not attend the service out of an abundance of caution. And like so many institutions and groups these days, the Bible Church asks its members and guests to exercise social distancing and normal courtesy during services until the risks of this current virus have diminished. Pope invites area residents to join them for church service at 9:30 a.m. this Sunday.

Bayside Fresh Market is open and operating during its normal business hours from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays, and from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Sundays. With the exceptions of bread, antibacterials and toilet paper, Bayside has been able to keep its shelves stocked and is working with its suppliers to maintain steady deliveries during this time of increased purchasing by worried consumers.

Ace Hardware is continuing to serve the HSB area during its normal business hours from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. weekdays, 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. Saturdays, and 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Sundays. The Horseshoe Bay Veterinary Clinic is open as normal, and reports being quite busy. This reporter did not cross examine any pets about their interpretation of the meaning of “social distancing.”

HSB retail businesses report they are following Department of Health standards and hygiene protocols, and have increased preventative measures with increased frequency in cleaning of public areas.

The Marble Falls Public Library, a branch of the Burnet County Library System, closed its doors to the public on March 16. A statement released by the library said, in part: “This decision was made to support the health of the Marble Falls community and keep our patrons and staff safe during this rapidly changing situation. The best way we can serve our patrons right now is to help minimize the spread of COVID-19, especially as our patrons include many seniors and others at high risk.” The book drops are also closed, so the library asks that patrons keep borrowed items until the library reopens. All late fees will be waived and hold expirations will be extended. Patrons are invited to explore the library's digital offerings.

The Herman Brown Library in Burnet has elected to stay open. Library Director Florence Reeves said each branch is authorized to make its own decision about staying open. “We are waiting to see how this situation unfolds. We are prepared to close if necessary.” Reeves said she trusts her patrons to be “pro-active and respectful” when using the library. Although the Herman Brown Library is open, all library programs have been canceled.

Llano Library Director Tommi Myers said the library was open for business through Tuesday, but beginning Wednesday the library facility is closed to the public until further notice. But the public can still access the library's inventory through a “take out program.” Patrons may order books or movies by phone, email or electronically, and library staff will fill the order and bring it outside the facility for pick up during a morning and afternoon pick up period. The Llano Library was closed this past weekend due to the Llano Earth Arts Festival taking place outside its doors, not because of virus concerns.

Horseshoe Bay Resort has implemented procedures to bolster sanitation for golfers. Carts will be stocked with scorecards, tees, pencil, and bottled water, but “communal items” such as tees and extra pencils have been removed from the pro shops and starter boxes, but will be available upon request. Frequently touched areas will be cleaned at least twice a day. Awards ceremonies and post-round gatherings have been suspended. Results will be sent via email. The Resort encourages the use of private carts and will accommodate single rider requests to the extent that volume and demand allow. Golfers are asked to leave the pin in on the greens, and all rakes have been removed from bunkers.

Escondido Golf & Lake Club has closed its indoor dining facilities and pool for a minimum of two weeks and has adopted enhanced sanitation measures for golfers similar to those of the Resort. The Smoke Shack on the golf course will remain open so long as doing so is safe for members and staff. All Easter festivities have been canceled. Escondido employees will continue to be paid as if there was no interruption. Both Escondido and The Resort will monitor the evolving situation and make any changes as needed.

Marble Falls ISD will now delay school until April 3 per Governor Greg Abbot's executive order.

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