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Volunteering at BS&W
BS&W Medical Center volunteers (from left) Barbara Bluhm, Carolyn Bourgeois, JoAnn Ramsey, and Larry Sherwood celebrate Bluhm's recent birthday in the Hospital Gift Shop. BS&W invites area residents to serve the community and make wonderful friends by joining the growing ranks of BS&W volunteers.

Baylor Scott & White Medical Center's Volunteer Coordinator Chase Gibson invites area residents to “join our great volunteer team!” Gibson says, “Our volunteers share kindness with our patients and visitors. and create friendships with each other and the staff.”

Volunteers perform a variety of services, such as delivering flowers, helping customers with seasonal gifts in the Gift Shop, or directing visitor to the correct check-in counter or other spot in the medical center.

Volunteer shifts normally run four or five hours per shift, and usually one day a week, although some folks volunteer two or three times a week. Since many hill country residents travel throughout the year, Gibson says the volunteer staff is accustomed to covering shifts for each other. Gibson says BS&W has almost as many men volunteers as women. Some couples work on the same days or shifts in different areas of the hospital.

As BS&W has grown, so have the opportunities to serve the community by volunteering at the medical campus. Contact Gibson at (830) 201-8221 to set up a meeting and join a great team of volunteers.

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