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Harvest Moon Celebration Brings Halloween Nature Fun To Comfort

The 12th Annual Harvest Moon Celebration will bring nature-based fall harvest and Halloween festivities to Comfort, TX on Saturday, October 26, 2019 at Muleshoe Farm and Ranch. It’s the perfect weekend country getaway for nature lovers, artists, and families to enjoy flying birds of prey, music, workshops, unique vendors, demonstrations, children’s activities, and even an owl walk after dark.

The 2019 lineup includes Last Chance Forever, the Bird of Prey Conservancy’s flying bird of prey demonstrations, live musicians including Hill Country favorites Graham Warwick & the Bonafide Blues Band, Greg Wall, Levi Darr, and Stan Morris, entertainment by the amazing Bedouin Dancers, and even an owl walk after dark. Guests will have the unique opportunity to watch as several of the raptors rehabilitated by Last Chance Forever are released to go back to the wild.

Educational presentations will be given on medicinal plants in the Hill Country, and helper insects (with live bugs for show and tell!). Tickets are available for several limited admission classes – hands-on falconry demonstrations with master falconer John Karger, and beginner and intermediate nature photography with Bruce Dueley. Other demonstrations include blacksmithing, spinning, beekeeping, and more. The Hill Country Master Naturalists host several guided nature walks throughout the day.

Children are invited to compete in a costume contest (and the competition has been steep in past years!). Live music and dancing set the stage for the Owl Walk. Just before sundown, trick or treating will start for the kids.

Owls have long been associated with Halloween, fall evenings, and harvest moonlit nights. Guests are invited to appreciate the creatures of the night after dark in an intimate look at live owls in their natural environment with an experienced guide. This one of a kind adventure!

Harvest Moon Celebration

Saturday, October 26, 2019, Noon – 9 PM

Muleshoe Farm & Ranch, 306 Highway 87 in Comfort, approximately 2 miles north on Hwy. 87 from exit 523 on IH-10.

Tickets may be purchased through the event website at www.harvestmooncelebration.com. More information including scheduling is available on the site. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for youth 6-17, and free for children 5 and under.

Proceeds from tickets an donations support the mission of Last Chance Forever, the Bird of Prey Conservancy, and the continuing scientific, agricultural, and conservation work on Muleshoe Farm and Ranch. Last Chance Forever is celebrating its 40th year of rehabilitating over 300 sick, injured, and orphaned birds of prey annually.

Texas Hill Country Magazine