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Bull Riding at Its Most Thrilling

The Bulls are Back in Town After having to cancel due to last year’s flooding, the Llano Xtreme Bulls and the South Texas Longhorn Association show will be back in Llano for one fun filled, action packed weekend October 18-20 at the JLK Arena located at 2200 RR 152, Llano, TX

Llano Xtreme Bulls presented by Cecil Motors will feature some of the rankest PBR bulls from the JD Nix Rodeo Company and riding those bulls will be 40 of the top riders from organizations such as PBR and PRCA competing for $10,000 in prize money.

Don’t miss the Xtreme action Saturday night at 7:30PM then kick up your heels to the Llano Station Band immediately following the bullriding.

Partnering up with Xtreme Bulls is the South Texas Longhorn Association showing off prize winning longhorns starting Friday with a Futurity, continuing Saturday until 4:00pm and finishing up on Sunday with a Youth Show.

In between all the action you can start your Christmas shopping at the Llano Cowboy Christmas, ride a mechanical bull, grab a snack or let the kids ride a pony.

Proceeds benefit scholarships awarded by the South Texas Longhorn Association and Llano High School.

For advance tickets go to www.llanoxtremebulls.com or Llano Chamber of Commerce at 100 Train Station Dr. For additional information or to become a vendor at the Cowboy Christmas contact us at [email protected].

Need a room for the weekend check out www.llanolodging.com. For a complete schedule of the longhorn events go to www.stla.org

Texas Hill Country Magazine