Carved and painted gourds, handmade jewelry, books by local authors, tie dye clothing, candles, fresh roasted coffee, wood art, clothing and accessories are just some of the gifts for you and your loved ones that can be found at the 13th Annual Holiday Bazaar in Wimberley. Saturday, December 8th from 10am-4pm, do your last-minute shopping and register to win hourly door prizes donated by local artists and crafters.
Eliminate shopping malls and find 30 artists and crafters under one roof with plenty of free, convenient parking. The Senior Citizen Craft shop will be offering fresh baked goodies and drinks.
While you’re in Wimberley for the Holiday Bazaar, you can also enjoy Winters Eve on the Square and EmilyAnn Trail of Lights in the evening. Both events are held outside under the stars.
For more information, call Madonna Kimball 51-847-5162 or email [email protected].