Beginning at the home of Ferdinand Lindheimer, the “Father of Texas Botany”, explore six historically significant structures of New Braunfels. These homes will be open from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 4th with docents present in each home with a full history on the buildings.
Because the date coincides with St. Patrick’s Day we will serve refreshments in the garden of the Gerlich-Wagenfuehr Bed and Breakfast. If the weather cooperates this is a wonderful opportunity to stroll through history.
The Giambernardi’s on Mill St. will be among those homes featured.
The original owner and builder of this log house was George Ullrich. He was the wagon master who brought the first group of immigrants, from Germany, to New Braunfels. This house was built in approximately 1845-1848. The original house consisted of one room which was constructed of locally cut logs and chinking, covered with plaster inside and lap boards outside. The original log house was added to several times, a portion of the addition is fachwerk and the another section is of various types of wood. The house has been cobbled together at various periods to create a charming comfortable home. Marvin and Ann GIambernardi bought the house in 2014 and have been in the restoration process since then.