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Mardi Gras of Southeast Texas Downtown
Texas A Family Friendly Event for all ages

Come celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Mardi Gras Southeast Texas in Downtown Port Arthur! Thursday – February 23 through Sunday February 26, 2017. This year’s theme is “25 Years of Enchantment”.

Don’t miss out on the featured attractions this year, A Laser show, The Redfish Elites Series and Super 7 weigh in, Budweiser Clydesdales, Kid Zone, Jumbo Gumbo Cookoff and so much more! Street entertainment throughout the grounds. Be sure to stop by Kid Zone, a free area for kids with moonwalks, stage acts, games and costumed characters. Free prizes for all.

Parades – large and small. Friday, Valero Krewe of Krewes or Total Majestic Krewe of Aurora Grand Parade with large New Orleans style floats tossing beads, cups, doubloons for all to catch. Sunday Motor Parade, a public entry parade with over 75 entries featuring anything that rolls. The Royalty March inside the entertainment area highlights area Krewe Royalty, Kings and Queens . Be sure not to miss the Umbrella Brigade Parade, we provide you an umbrella - you decorate it and show up for second line march, strutting down Procter street. Umbrellas are judged and cash prizes awarded. The Munchkin Parade, bring your little ones in their favorite costume, wagon or power wheels and let them experience Mardi Gras first hand with a parade just for them!

Do you cook a delicious gumbo? For those who enjoy cooking we offer the Jumbo Gumbo Cook-off. Register and compete against other Cajun cooks, take home the 1st place trophy, a basket full of Cajun specialties and a prize cash award!

Be sure to visit the carnival. State fair quality rides and midway games. One-price wristbands for any one-day. The carnival is located outside the entertainment area and no admission fee required.

Music …Concerts offering a music genre for all taste! Famous country artist.

Granger Smith, Bag of Donuts, Casey Donahew, Step Rideau & the Zydeco Outlaws and Brian Jack and the Zyedco Gamblers. Livin’ Proof, Junior Gordon, Rhythm of the Heart and Tin Pan Alley… the talent just keeps coming.

Enjoy cajun food with plenty of other choices available from over 40 food vendors and find that special mardi gras treasure at one of our 50 arts and crafts booths.

As you can see we have something for everyone, action filled weekend exploding with music, food, parades and a traditional Mardi Gras celebration… Come join us!

For up to date information or to purchase tickets on line visit our webpage at Mardigras.portarthur.com or call 409-721-8717.

Texas Hill Country Magazine