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Pipeline construction can continue, federal district judge rules

Construction on the Kinder Morgan Permian Highway Pipeline can continue, according to a federal district judge in Austin.

U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman on Friday denied a preliminary injunction request from the Sierra Club, a national environmental group, which sought to halt pipeline construction. The group argued that pipeline construction would damage the land and cause harm to endangered species.

The Sierra Club also said that approvals for the pipeline were given under a faulty review process from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The environmental group filed the motion this spring.

Pitman’s ruling said the organization did not show that continuation of construction on the more than 400-mile project would cause”irreparable” harm to endangered species or landowners.

“Unfortunately, granting an injunction in this state of the pipeline’s completion would not unring the bell,” his decision stated.

The pipeline is more than 85 percent complete, according to multiple reports.

The pipeline route has been altered in Blanco County after an incident this spring caused problems with at least three local wells. The original route called for the pipeline to go under the Blanco River.

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