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Commissioners concerned with lack of turning lanes on U.S. Hwy. 281 plans

Blanco County Judge Brett Bray called the Tuesday regular meeting of the Blanco County Commissioners Court to order at 8:59 a.m. Commissioners Tommy Weir, Emil Uecker, Chris Liesmann and Paul Granberg were present, and the meeting was simulcasted online via Zoom.

Because the meeting was simulcasted, citizens wishing to make a public comment were required to present at the meeting. A request to provide public comments regarding the resignation of the newly appointed elections administrator was received late from Kenneth Welch and this request was denied because he was not present in the courtroom. He provided a written copy of his notes to be included with the minutes of the meeting.

“Blanco County citizens should be very concerned about the work environment and ethics in our county offices and especially the administration of our election rolls and election processes,” states Welch’s comments.

The minutes of the June 9 meeting were approved. There were three line item transfers presented and all were approved by the court. Liesmann moved to approve the outstanding bills of $163,877.53 and Granberg seconded. The motion carried.

Brandon Marshall,TxDOT representative, presented the 2021-24 Rural TIP plan. Marshall works together with Cathy Kratz. “The Rural TIP is the list of local projects to be funded within a TxDOT District during the next four years, including those eligible for federal funding.”

There are 10 projects planned for Blanco County, and most of the projects are small repairs or maintenance. Commissioners expressed concerns about the lack of turning lanes included with the plans on U.S. Hwy. 281; widening plans for U.S. Hwy. 281 are scheduled for 2027.

The commissioners authorized Judge Bray to sign the health and dental insurance renewal forms with Texas Association of Counties Health and Employee Benefits Pool (TAC HEBP) for fiscal year 2020-21. The renewal rate changes are negative one percent for the health plan and negative five percent for the dental plan; there is no change to the life or vision rates. In October, employees will have access to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

“First Responders Month” will take place during July. The proclamation reads, “This month is Blanco County’s ongoing show of appreciation for our first responders. These unsung heroes are vital to a healthy and safe Hill Country Environment. Join us in showing our First Responders that they make a difference.”

Sheriff Don Jackson asked the court to approve an equipment purchase from GT Distributors for the new patrol vehicle. The total is $7,363.64 for all the different equipment. Weir moved to approve the purchase and Granberg seconded; it carried.

The commissioners approved the district court to purchase a web-based jury program using funds from District Court Technology, District Clerk Preservation and District Clerk Office Supply accounts or other appropriate sources.

Bray informed the commissioners that the newly appointed election administrator, Robert Sense, has resigned. Instead of appointing an election administrator, the court authorized the hiring of an entry level clerk in the elections department. This employee will report to both Laura Walla, county clerk, and Kristen Spies, tax assessor-collector. Walla and Spies are currently working hard on the upcoming runoff election, Bray said.

A utility tractor with attachments was approved for a joint purchase for Precinct 1 and 2. Uecker moved to authorize advertising for paving within Precinct 2. Weir seconded and the motion carried. A donation for a 60-foot easement and for base material to extend Odiorne Road about 250 feet was accepted. The burn ban was considered but no action was taken. The meeting was adjourned 10:05 a.m.

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