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Whitlock hired as interim police chief

Mayor Pro Tem Martin Sauceda called the Blanco City Council regular meeting to order at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9. The meeting was broadcasted live via MyMeeting and the city’s Facebook page. Council members: Deda Divine, Matt Lewis, Keith McClellan, Sauceda and Mike Smith were present.

The minutes from the May meetings were approved. Sauceda announced that the COVID-19 numbers are still low and an interim police chief, Greg Whitlock, has been hired; Chief Whitlock is coming out of retirement after a long career as an officer in the San Antonio area. The mayor pro tem also informed the others that a new complaint process is being created.

Retta Martin, Keep Blanco Beautiful (KBB) executive director, took the floor next and provided background information on KBB and its relationship with the city. She explained the April Trash-off event was canceled due to the pandemic, but KBB is hopeful to have another cleanup event.

Next, Peggy Heckel-Berryhill, Blanco citizen, spoke about the Los Altos Subdivision Plan Development District (PDD). She expressed concerns with the amount of homes that will be built in the two blocks and urged council members to take time to make a decision. There is a petition going around town to stop the subdivision development and it was given to the council members.

A public hearing regarding the Los Altos Subdivision PDD was opened at 6:14 p.m. and closed at 6:15 p.m. with no further public comments.

The budget reports for city hall, water and sewer, and the police department were presented by Will Daves, interim city manager. The parks and streets department has a surplus right now due to not being able to work on projects during COVID-19. Sales tax funds have gone up 6 percent with people staying home and supporting local businesses. Smith requested Daves let the council know if anything unexpected comes up on the budgets.

Old business items were discussed next. The council members discussed the contract with the Boydstons; the city would exchange the 0.024 acre portion of Lot 12 for the Boydston’s 0.183 acre portion of Lot 11. The survey has been completed. Smith moved to approve the exchange and Lewis seconded; it carried.

Next, the Los Altos PDD was discussed along with the recommendations from the Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission. Hugo Elizondo, developer, answered questions and concerns. He explained that it is hard to develop in Blanco due to the rocky ground. He also let the council know that in the PDD there is a 7.5 foot side setback which gives a 15 feet separation. All street parking is discouraged. There will be an architecture view committee that will review each lot and a tree survey for each lot will also take place.

Elizondo is working with the school to manage traffic during school drop offs and pickups. The PDD allows a little flexibility. There are 3 variances requested for the subdivision including setbacks. There will be sidewalks and a HOA. After a lengthy discussion, Smith moved to approve the PDD with the provisions discussed earlier and Sauceda seconded; the motion carried 4 to 1 with Divine opposing.

The K9 agreement was approved. A yearly stipend will be given to the K9 officer to pay for the $5,000 dog kennel. It will be done that way so the city is not out $5,000 if the officer quits during the next four years. The new fees for water, sewer and waste collection in the city and ETJ were discussed next. Smith moved to approve the new fees and Divine seconded. The motion carried.

Walt Adamson with Hillcountry Networks took the floor next to explain that he is tasked to expand the internet to rural areas. There is a current need to place equipment on the Blanco water tower. The city currently has a lease with Verizon that expired five years ago. Adamson has been working with the security resource officer and the superintendent. There is potential to have a hotspot for students to have internet access. The council moved to approve the Walt Adamson Proposal for service to the city.

Next, new business items were discussed. Rachel Lumpee was appointed to the P&Z commission. A new stop sign will be put in Calico Meadows Subdivision at streets, Calico Way and Prim Rose. Sauceda provided information regarding the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Lease agreement. This agreement was approved.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 trash-off was postponed. Ronnie Rodriguez, utility director, explained that Progressive provides six dumpsters once a year for the trash-off event and the yard is open to the public during the week of the event. July was discussed as a possible makeup date.

The council members adjourned into executive session at 7:41 p.m. to discuss several matters. No action was taken after the executive session. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

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