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Start date among adjustments made to Blanco ISD school calendar

Blanco ISD has made several changes to its 2020-21 school calendar with COVID-19 in mind.

Hoping to avoid any unknown impacts that forced major changes to school districts in the spring, Blanco ISD has built in 12 days in a revised school calendar that can be used for the impacts of COVID-19, if they are needed.

“We do not know how COVID-19 will impact us next year, but this calendar is a way to be prepared,” said Clay Rosenbaum, BISD superintendent, on the school’s website.

The 12 built-in days are scheduled as holidays, but can be used as school days if necessary.

Those days are: Nov. 23-24, 2020 (Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week); Dec. 18 and Dec. 21-22 (three school days prior to Christmas break); Jan. 18, 2021 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day); March 15-19 (Spring Break); and April 5 (Easter Monday).

“Those days could be ‘make up’ days if we have to miss regular school days. If we don’t need those ‘make up’ days, they will continue to be holidays,” Rosenbaum said.

.Also, students will report to school Monday, Aug. 17. The original start date was Wednesday, Aug. 19.

The complete calendar is shown at right.

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