The Blanco Coalition of Awareness, Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse (CoAPT) has begun planning events for the upcoming school year.
The planning committee met via Zoom on Monday, June 1 to discuss three events. In August, the coalition plans to partner with the Blanco Lions Club and its “Stuff the Bus” event. The “Stuff the Bus” event is “a campaign to raise money and collect school supplies for underprivileged students” at three local schools. Coalition members discussed possibly handing out information to parents and students during this event and possibly hosting a vape collection.
Another event planned for September is “Hidden in Plain Sight.” It is an awareness event covering topics of risky behavior, substance abuse, prescription drugs, alcohol and tobacco, violence and more. This event is designed to help parents and teachers spot paraphernalia while viewing a mock teenage bedroom.
The annual Wellness Fair will be moved to Spring 2021. The event is usually held in the fall, but will be moved due to COVID-19 concerns. The coalition needs more time to plan this event while following the safety guidelines.
CoAPT’s mission is “to work as a community to prevent and reduce youth alcohol, tobacco, and substance use and promote community level change.”