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Blanco County Commissioners approve annual audit report

Blanco County Judge Brett Bray called the regular meeting of the Blanco County Commissioners Court to order at 9 a.m. Tuesday with commissioners Tommy Weir, Emil Uecker, Chris Liesmann and Paul Granberg present. The meeting was held through video conferencing platform, Zoom.

The minutes of the prior meeting were approved. The estimated June 2020 payroll of $305,383.32 was approved next. All of the official reports are in. The commissioners approved the reports.

There were two line item transfers. The first line item transfer request was for the county attorney for $10. Liesmann requested a $10,000 line transfer to purchase more materials to patch roads. The funds were available for both transfers. Weir moved to approve the line item transfers and Uecker seconded. The motion carried. The outstanding bills of $55,789.78 were approved by the court.

Next, the report from the outside auditor for fiscal year 2018-19 was considered. Keith Neffendorf with Neffendorf and Knope, P.C. provided the audit report for 2018-2019. “The assets of the county exceeded its liabilities at the close of the most recent fiscal year by $16,530,416 (net position). Of this amount, $7,081,600 (unrestricted net position) may be used to meet the county’s ongoing obligations to citizen’s and creditors,” states the report. Overall, the county’s finances are in good shape.

Bray was authorized to sign the real estate contract to complete the sale of lot 19 in the Lake of the Hills subdivision. The sales price totaled $1,400. The judge provided an update on the progress of the 2020 Census and encouraged citizens to fill out the report. Census takers are not going door to door due to COVID-19 at this time, but this should begin shortly.

The commissioners accepted the 2019 financial audit from Neffendorf and Knope, P.C. for the North Blanco County Emergency Services District No. 1. “At September 30, 2019, the district’s general fund reported an ending fund balance of $930,323, an increase of $158,640 in comparison with the prior year.”

Liesmann moved to authorize Judge Bray to sign a resolution to seek grant funding from the Office of the Governor Criminal Justice Division Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program 2020. Granberg seconded and it carried. The funds will help pay for supplies and equipment for the Blanco County Sheriff’s Office and jail.

June 14 was declared as “flag day” and June 14-20 as “flag week.” The proclamation asks citizens “to reaffirm the ideals of our county by displaying our American flag at their homes and throughout the country.”

Uecker moved to approve the replat of lot 5 in the Circle N Ranchette subdivision; it will be known as lots 5A and 5B and will be approximately 10 acres each. Judge Bray expressed concerns on the size of the lots. Weir seconded and the motion carried.

Bids for the Precinct 3 and 4 paving projects were opened, reviewed and accepted. Bray was authorized to sign a contract with Wastewater Transport Services to service the grease trap at the LEC. The proposal of service totals $560.

The commissioners approved the purchase of three tasers and accessories for the Law Enforcement Center. The grand total is $5,462.25. These items were budgeted in the current budget in the capital equipment portion. The court moved to authorize the judge to sign an interlocal agreement with the City of Austin for installation, configuration, maintenance and repair of public safety equipment and systems. The meeting was adjourned at 9:58 a.m.

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