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Moore recommended to become new city P&Z commission chair

The May City of Blanco Planning and Zoning (P&Z) regular meeting was called to order by David Smith, chairman, on May 4 at 6:02 p.m. The meeting was held via Go To Meeting video with commissioners Chris Anderson, Mike Green, Susan Moore, Trey Prior and R.K. Seals present.

Smith announced that the May meeting would be his last, since he will be leave Blanco in June to move for graduate school. There were no public comments at this time. Prior moved to approve the minutes from the February meeting and Green seconded; the motion carried.

The public hearing regarding the Los Altos Subdivision was opened at 6:07 p.m. The developer, Hugo Elizondo, briefly described the plans for the subdivision which will have 22 lots across four acres. There were no public comments, so the public hearing concluded at 6:12 p.m. There have been no written responses in the mail or via email regarding the subdivision.

Elizondo informed the commissioners that he received one phone call from a concerned citizen who asked if the subdivision would contain manufactured homes. He told the citizen that the homes would not be manufactured homes. The developer has been working with the city staff on the Planned Development District (PDD) draft, which is based off of the Tractor Supply PDD. The right-of-way will be dedicated to the city, however, it will be owned and maintained by the HOA. Public access will be granted. There will be sidewalks east to west, but more can be added if desired. The mobile home will be removed from the property.

A concern about the small lot size was brought up at this time. Elizondo reassured the commissioners that a lot of research has been done and smaller lots closer to the town center are popular. The driveway will lead to the carport or garage behind the house and vehicles will not be allowed to park in the street. There will not be mobile carports.

Another concern addressed was the entrance and exits of the subdivision and the traffic on those streets. Commissioners requested this be put in the PDD as well. Seals asked for a list of the variances that will be needed. The hackberry and cedar trees will be eliminated, making the live oaks more visible. Ronnie Rodriguez, public works director, informed the commissioners that this subdivision will not affect the city’s infrastructure.

Commissioners expressed concern over the public hearing. There was a notice in the newspaper and on the city’s website and citizens were sent a letter regarding the new subdivision, but signs were not placed on the property. The city council was to have a public hearing regarding the subdivision on May 12, but will not take action until the June meeting. P&Z will meet before city council’s June meeting to review the changes to the PDD and make a recommendation to the council.

Elizondo said he is fine with waiting to make sure everything is done correctly. Seals moved to table the motion until the recommendations discussed were addressed. Moore seconded and the motion carried.

Next, the commissioners discussed selecting a new chairman for the commission since Smith is moving. Prior is vice-chair, but lives outside city limits and cannot become chair. Moore volunteered to take on the role, but she asked the others for their help and guidance since she is a newer member of the commission. Seals moved to recommend Moore as chair to the city council and Anderson seconded. It carried.

Smith informed the others that it had “been a pleasure serving” with them. The meeting was adjourned at 7:19 p.m. and the next regular meeting will occur on June 1.

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