Blanco CoAPT was unable to have its regular April meeting due to COVID-19. However, the coalition is still active and prompting for a healthy community.
Amber Corder, project coordinator, and eight other CoAPT (Coalition of Awareness, Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse) members meet on Friday, April 24 via Zoom to discuss several topics.
In 2016, the coalition was awarded the Drug Free Communities Support Program grant. This grant requires the organization to provide a dollar-for-dollar match for every federal dollar. Volunteer hours and events count towards the match.
Unfortunately due to the pandemic, several events have been canceled, such as Project Graduation. The members began brainstorming ideas on how to match the budget and provide educational information to the community during this time. One idea was to post educational videos on social media and track how many views they receive; creating educational videos for social media was also discussed. There was a suggestion to include educational information with the student pick-up lunches.
Planning for fall events, such as the annual Wellness Fair, will begin shortly. The next regular CoAPT meeting will be May 13 at 11 a.m. via Zoom.