Blanco County residents are now required to stay at home, barring certain exceptions.
County Judge Brett Bray issued a stay at home order Monday that went into effect at midnight. Anyone living in Blanco County is restricted to stay at their place of residence. Exceptions include to perform essential activities, essential government functions, healthcare operations, operate essential business or uphold essential critical infrastructure. If someone does not follow the order, they may be fined up to $1,000 or confined in jail for up to 180 days.
A curfew was also put in place, which requires residents to stay in place from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. each day. Exemptions include travel to or from an essential activity, or to work at an essential business or perform an essential government function.
The order states that if someone tests positive for COVID-19, all members of that household must isolate at home. Those who live in the house cannot go to work or any other community functions. It also states that anyone who displays symptoms of the virus should not leave home.
The order also gives the county’s two EMS districts the power to inspect, consult with and ensure that each essential business is complying with the order.
Health care workers who live outside Blanco County, but work in Blanco County, must notify the county’s local health authority if they have “direct, face-to-face patient contact” with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or believes they have been in contact with someone has the virus. The report is to be issued to the health authority immediately by calling 844-868-8308.
All businesses in the county, other than those deemed essential, must restrict activities. All businesses must comply with social distancing requirements, according to the order, for both employees and customers.
Public and private gatherings are now limited to no more than six people, the order states, if they occur outside a residence. This does not affect members of the same residence, even if there are more than six people. However, the order states in that instance “extraordinary steps must be taken for hygiene and sanitation and social distancing must still be practiced to the greatest extent possible.”
According to the order, essential activities are defined as tasks essential to the health and safety of an individual, family member or household member, including pets; to obtain services or supplies for themselves or members of the household, including food, banking, to procure household items or supplies, and to obtain supplies needed to work at home; to engage in an outdoor activity, provided social distancing is complied with; to perform work providing essential products or at an essential business, or to perform work at minimum basic operations; to care for a family member or pet in another household; and to exchange children between parents, guardians or other parties pursuant to a child custody order or agreement.
Healthcare operations as defined in the order includes workers at hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and other health care facilities. Home-based and residential-based care is also included. The exemption also includes veterinary care and all care for animals. “This exemption shall be construed broadly to avoid any impacts to the delivery of healthcare,” the order states.
In the order, essential critical infrastructure is defined as construction as public works, residential or commercial, along with water, gas, sewer, electrical, oil refining, roads and highways, public transportation and solid waste collection and removal. Others included are in areas of internet, telecommunications, financial institutions and manufacturing operations. Social distancing must be enforced.
Essential government services in the order are defined as “services provided by governmental entities to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the public.” Each governmental entity is allowed to determine which functions are essential, the order states. Social distancing is also required.
There are 30 categories of essential businesses, according to the order.
Religious worship services should be provided online or through teleconference if possible, according to the order. If this cannot happen, the services must follow the March 31 executive order issued by the governor and guidelines issued by the president and Centers for Disease Control. Good hygiene, sanitation and social distancing must be practiced.
Nursing homes, retirement communities and long-term care facilities must prohibit non-essential visitors, the order states, unless to “provide critical assistance for end-of-life visitation.”
The complete order may be viewed on the Blanco County News’ Facebook page or on the county’s website.