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Mayor to resign with effective date of April 17
Herden cites health concerns as reason to leave post

Blanco Mayor Martha Herden has submitted her resignation and will step down from the position April 17. She cited health concerns as the reason. (See page 5 for a letter from the mayor).

Herden was first elected as mayor of Blanco in May 2017. She ran unopposed for her second term in May 2019 and this term ends IN May 2021. Mayor Pro Tem Martin Sauceda will temporarily fill the role.

During her last few weeks in office, Herden said she is working hard organizing paperwork and other materials to help make the transition go smoothly. The city attorney and city council will address the issue of election and appointment of a new mayor at a future date.

Herden said she stepped into the role without a lot of guidance or information, but that didn’t stop her. She worked an average of 50 to 60 hours a week due to the city demands. With the predicted growth, there was a lot of work to be done and it cannot be done solely by the mayor.

There have been many improvements that the city has tackled during Herden’s tenure as mayor, including the Safe Sidewalks to School Project. The sidewalk project had been in the works since 2000, and today, there are sidewalks that link all the schools, stretching from Blanco Middle School along Seventh Street behind the Blanco High School football and baseball stadiums, over to Cherry Street and north to Blanco Elementary School.

The ESD No. 2 also was able to acquire land from the city to build its new station after 20 years of discussion. Citizens were invited to the new station dedication, open house and tour on Aug. 14, 2019. In 2016, the city council approved the initial steps of building a new wastewater plant and in December 2017, the city broke ground on the new facility; it’s now completed.

“These are all major improvements to our city and will help take the city into its next chapter,” said the mayor.

Herden said that it is impossible to make everyone happy, which is one of the hardest parts of the job. Herden said she enjoyed forming an open communication with Blanco County officials, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and Texas Municipal League (TML) leaders. One of the mayor’s favorite memories from office was a “ride along” with a Blanco Police officer. During the ride, there was high-speed pursuit and the officer remained professional and calm throughout the event. The other officers, the mayor, and the police vehicle were all safe during the pursuit.

“It made me proud to witness the high level of training and dedication our officers have,” she explained.

Herden is stepping down from her mayoral role, but she will be around to watch Blanco develop and grow. She still deeply cares about the city and its future. If the opportunity presents itself and she feels able, Herden said she would consider serving the community once again. In her spare time, she plans on getting some well-deserved and doctor recommended rest. She also looks forward to spending more time with her husband, Matt.

“I will always be thankful to the council, Blanco Police, city staff and the citizens of Blanco for the support that has been shown to me over the past three years. I pray for the health and safety of Blanco, people around our state and our country during the COVID-19 pandemic. May God bless everyone,” Herden said.

A message from Mayor Martha Herden

To the citizens of Blanco:

I am announcing my resignation as Mayor of Blanco, Texas, effective April 17, 2020.

This decision does not come easy for me. My physicians have explained to me, along with my low immune system, I have experienced extremely high blood pressure for the last several months. My health must come before everything.

The doctors suggested if I remove the stress, I should be fine and the pressure will return to normal. The doctors said continuation would likely result in stroke, or worse, death.

My decision has been made after many hours of weighing all pros and cons of what is in the best interest of the city and my health.

When I came into office as mayor in 2017, there were major projects waiting to be addressed; construction of a new wastewater plant, safe sidewalks to schools, securing a new location for the ESD building and renovation of the city’s water plant.

Three have been completed. The water plant is scheduled for construction in June 2020. I am remaining in office until April 17 to oversee completion of the 2018/19 Blanco audit and to also see the TWDB water loan approved.

I love this city and know it will move forward. I am very proud of all that has been accomplished while I have served as mayor.

I thank the council and the Blanco Police Department for the time I have worked with them. And I thank the citizens of Blanco for their support. And I also thank my husband for supporting me and standing beside me.

Thank you all for having given me this great opportunity to serve. I pray for my health and the health of all the citizens of Blanco.


Martha Herden

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