The Blanco Commissioners Court special meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. by Judge Brett Bray. A live stream was available because no more than 10 people can gather at this time. The commissioners and the judge practiced social separation and had six feet between them.
The commissioners authorized the judge to sign a proclamation extending the current disaster declaration last week. Commissioner Tommy Weir moved to approve the extension and Commissioner Emil Uecker seconded. The health disaster declaration was issued by the county judge last Wednesday.
The county attorney, Deborah Earley, was present to answer questions regarding the modifications of the declaration. Tasting rooms and similar entities fall under the governor’s order and should be closed to the public at this time. Other counties and cities have extended the closure for dining areas until May 1. The language of the declaration will be clarified and coincide with the governor’s order.
The court also went into the emergency meeting. Uecker moved to exempt all licensed staff of the Blanco County’s Sheriff’s Department from the 120-day rule for holiday compensation time as well as an extension of their vacation time due to the local disaster declaration and Weir seconded; the motion carried. The overtime compensation policies established and approved on Dec. 19, 2018 are suspended until the local disaster declaration has concluded.
Commissioner Chris Liesmann informed the others that if there are any extra expenses due to the virus, report the expenses to the county treasurer. Bray thanked the county citizens for handling the coronavirus situation well by acting responsibly and taking measures.
“I feel confident that we will get to the other side of this,” said Bray. There is currently only one Covid-19 case in the county and it was travel related. The individual and those in contact have all self quarantined and it appears to be under control. Other Blanco citizens have been tested but the results have resulted in negative. The court encourages citizens to continue social distancing during this time.
The commissioners authorized Bray to sign the Capital Area Emergency Communications District Interlocal Agreement for 9-1-1 Geographic Information System Database Management. Weir, Uecker and Paul Granberg completed continuing education. The live feed went out at 9:06 a.m. but was back working at 9:11 a.m. so the court continued.
Bray was authorized to sign the 2020 Property Insurance renewal questionnaire with the Texas Association of Counties (TAC). The Blanco County Child Protection & Family Advocacy Board requested the court declare April as “Child Abuse Prevention Month” and it was approved. The proclamation concludes, “ upon all Blanco County citizens, community agencies, faith groups, and businesses to increase their participation in our efforts to support families, thereby preventing child abuse and strengthening the communities in which we live.”
The 2018 financial audit for the Blanco County Appraisal District was presented. Highlights include: the assets exceeded the liabilities at the close of the most recent fiscal year by $344,455 and $202,800 of that can be used to meet the ongoing obligations to other organizations and creditors; the net assets increased by $93,410; and the governmental fund reported an ending fund balance of $249,591 which is an increase of $65,105 from the previous year.
The countywide cleanup event scheduled on April 18 has been postponed until further notice. Granberg is hopeful to host the cleanup event as soon as it’s deemed safe.
The court approved the 2020-2021 budget calendar. All budget request forms are due on June 1 and the court will adopt the 2020-2021 budget, set the tax rates, set the exemptions and set early payment discounts if any on Sept. 8.
Patrick Fisher is a current Blanco County Sheriff’s Office deputy and is running for the vacant Precinct 1 Constable position unopposed. He was present at the meeting to answer questions. Fisher was appointed to the unexpired term of Precinct 1 Constable; he will begin as soon as possible and the term expires on Dec. 31, 2020.
Early in the meeting, there was one person signed up for public comments, however, the individual was not present. Public comments were to be in person in the courtroom by one individual at a time. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. The two line item transfers for the emergency management department were discussed next. Liesmann requested a move of $27,062 from the general fund to the special fund. Another move of $5,000 from line item 021-125 to 37-100-125 in the special fund. The reason for the requests is to replace the existing switches to new routers as discussed during the previous meeting. Liesmann moved to approve the outstanding bills of $113,146.42 and Granberg seconded; the motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:44 a.m.