Blanco is a community where citizens turn out in full force to support those in need. When hardships strike, such as the 2015 Memorial Day Weekend Flood, or a family has a loved one seriously ill, or donations are needed for Blanco Good Samaritans and the food pantry, Blanco steps up.
Blanco has poured out its heart so often to help those who are hurting. This week we will once again have an opportunity to support a family in our community.
On Jan. 24, 17-year-old Madelynn Giese of Blanco was critically injured in a major auto accident at the intersection of US 281 and Highway 473. Maddy was airlifted to St. David’s South emergency room in Austin with extensive and serious injuries, including multiple skull fractures and brain bleeds, a collapsed lung, injured spleen, multiple fractured bones and a severely fractured pelvis. She was unresponsive after the accident and remained in a coma for several weeks. Thanks to prayers and God’s grace, she is making slow but steady progress, and the next step will be release from St. David’s South to Dell Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital.
A fundraiser filled with love
A sweet group of high school girls have been working to organize a fundraiser dance to help the Giese family with Maddy’s medical expenses. The public is invited to attend the event at Yett Memorial Park Pavilion on Saturday, Feb. 29, for a dinner, silent auction and a bake sale. There will also be live music featuring Jesse Stratton and a Community Bible Church Band, and a dance. Dinner begins at 6:45 p.m., followed by music and dancing from 7-11 pm. The cost of admission is only a $10 ticket, with no admission charge for children under three.
All proceeds will help Maddy’s family with the cost of her care. Casey Eskew, a Blanco High School junior and friend of Maddy’s said the idea to help came from a Bible study group.
“Our Bible study group of high school girls meets on Sundays at Kelly Hardwick’s home. We all wanted to do something to help Maddy’s family but at first weren’t really sure how a fundraiser would happen, so we began brainstorming ideas,” she said. “It seemed like we all thought of the dance at the same time although we hadn’t talked about it together, and it is awesome how God has led this. In addition to helping Maddy’s family with her medical bills we knew that we also wanted to share Jesus, and make Jesus an impact in the community. Those are our two main goals.”
Bringing the community together
According to Kate Rogers, a BHS senior and Maddy’s friend, “This has been a great way for our community to come together. It started as our project, but it’s become everyone’s project…When I think about how many people have helped Maddy, however they can, it amazes me.”
Another friend of Maddy’s, BHS junior Raylee Faris, said, “He (God) is the reason for the peace and healing in Maddy, and He is the only reason that we have been able to do any of this. So many good things have happened, and many of them were things that we did not even think about as we began to plan. It was just perfect, really cool.”
Kate added, “It’s hard to say who has been doing what because everyone has been doing everything. We do have sponsors to help us with some of the costs and that came together amazingly because they wanted to help too.”
Sponsors and helpers
Adult helpers include Kelly Hardwick, Reyna Faris and Kati Bailey.
“Community members have donated so many silent auction items, and some items have come from as far away as Fredericksburg. Maddock Truck Company is our largest corporate sponsor, and we have also had two anonymous donors. We are so grateful for them,” Kate said.
Casey told the BCN, “The sponsorship from Maddock has enabled us to cover the cost of our live entertainment, and we so appreciate Jesse Stratton for performing. He has another four-hour gig earlier that day, yet he gave us a discount and agreed to play.”
The students have also received help from Yett Memorial Park and Blanco Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Libbey Aly. Maddy’s father, Scott Giese, offered to take care of the food and dinner preparations, and to secure donations from HEB and others. According to Casey, “He is doing a great job…it’s awesome.”
Raylee said, “The cost of the ticket includes everything -- dinner, non-alcoholic beverages, and live music and dancing.” The only other costs are for bake sale and silent auction items. People can bid on all of the silent auction items, with starting prices ranging from $10 to $2,000. The baked goods are by donation, so the price is whatever the buyer wants to pay for those.
Special offerings and silent auction items
There will be a table set with a Bible for guests to write in and share inspirational verses, messages and notes of encouragement for Maddy, as well as cards provided for additional notes.
Kate said there are some fabulous silent auction items. These include a weekend cabin stay in Pagosa Springs, Colorado and a private helicopter or private airplane ride donated by retired Southwest Airlines pilot Bill Davoust.
Chad Covin and Kelby Cox have fashioned Western Redwood logs into a beautiful cross from logs that Chad brought back from California.
“Chad felt that the purpose of the cross was for Maddy, and it was like Jesus was speaking to him,” Raylee said.
The cross will be sold and the money will be given to help Maddy’s family. According to Karen Covin Hinson, “The cross is 14’ tall, with 12” x 12” beams. If you know anyone who might be interested in a cross this size for their ranch, yard, business, or church, please contact us.”
How you can help
Raylee said, “For a whole year it has been on our hearts to do something to help someone, and as time passed we didn’t see any particular need. Then a month ago Maddy’s accident happened. We haven’t had much time to plan, but we knew this was what we needed to do. We are happy that we have such a variety of prices of items for our silent auction because this will allow everyone to give what they feel called to give without having to struggle financially, yet still be able to help. Every dollar adds up, and it takes everyone to help.”
Maddy is getting better each day, and after several weeks is now officially out of her coma. Recently when Maddy was prayed over and had healing hands placed on her she asked to hear the song, “How Great is Our God.” Maddy was able to mouth the words, “Thank you God,” after hearing the song. Although Maddy was unable to speak verbally at the time she knows and understands that God is with her. The latest update: Maddy was released to Dell Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital on Monday as she continues her long journey of healing.
Tickets may be pre-ordered at: https://givebutter.com/TeO6St You may also sign up to bring baked goods at the Sign Up Genius on the website. To keep up to date on Maddy’s condition, visit www.caringbridge.org and search for Madelynn Giese.
For additional information on the fundraiser, contact Raylee Faris at 210-760-3263 or Kate Rogers at 512-496-1178.