Kathleen Meador was raised in several northern states but eventually moved to Texas and resides in Marble Falls. She attended the University of Texas and Texas Tech where she obtained her teacher credentials. To support her family, she worked for many years as an art teacher in the schools. She also worked as a graphic artist for a trade magazine. Additionally, she worked at a t-shirt company as a designer. Currently, she is working at Marta Stafford Art Gallery as an assistant.
Her work is also on exhibit at Highland Art Gallery in Marble Falls, the Port Aransas Art Center and the Bunkhouse Gang online. Her work has been shown at Numinous Coffee, Port Aransas Art Center, Burnet Art Festival and the San Angelo Art Center, Art Beat, Paint the Town and a number of other outlets. Kathleen has won a fair number of awards for pastel work and recently been admitted to the prestigious Pastel Society of America. She also has conducted art workshops at various places ..
Artist Statement
My philosophy of life is that if more people created things, there would be less destructive activity in the world and less heartache. Doing something you love is a source of joy and I received
artistic inspiration from Chagall and Kandinsky. Painting and drawing are a passion for me.