Alcoholics Anonymous (Llano Group) - Meets at Grace Church Oatman, Llano, on Monday 7:00pm; Wednesday 12:00 pm (noon); Thursday 7:00pm
Al-Anon Family Group (Keep Coming Back Group) - Meets at Holy Trinity Church Hall, 708 W. Bessmer, Llano, on Saturdays, 10 a.m.
American Legion Post-General membership meeting held every third Thursday of the month at 6:30pm.
Disabled American Veterans - Monthly meetings held the fourth Monday of each month at 2516 FM 1431, Kingsland, Texas. Meetings begin at 7:30pm. For more information, call 325-388-0891. Veterans and visitors welcome.
Free Clothes Closet: Pittsburg Ave.Baptist Church has clothes for all sizes: infant to 3X. Open
Tuesdays Noon-2pm or by appointment 325-247-4042. 709 Pittsburg Ave.
FUEL- Mondays 12pm-4pm knitters, crocheters, and other fiber artists meet at FUEL Coffeehouse, 106 E. Main, Llano.
Grief Support - Llano. Meeting Wednesday at the Llano Library at 102 East Haynie at 1:00pm. For additional info, call Alton Peck at 512-793-6448.
Highland Lakes Democratic Women meet monthly at two venues: for lunch at 11:30 a.m., a business meeting and guest speaker at Meadowlakes Country Club on the fourth Thursday of each month; and for an informal social gathering at 5 p.m. at Double Horn Brewing Co. in Marble Falls on the second Wednesday of each month. Contact Mary Ann Raesener at [email protected] or 830 693-6315 for more information.
Highland Lakes Men’s Chorus- Weekly rehearsals Mondays at The Church at Horseshoe Bay at 4pm/ For more info call Geoff Cromer, 830-613-7616 or Dick Draper, 830-596-8600.
Hill Country Health Care - Monthly Alzheimer’s Support group meeting, last Thursday of the month, 1pm at 507 E Green Street, Llano. 325-247-4115.
Home Prayer Meetings - Thursday 7pm 247-1880. Prayer requests welcome.
Kingsland Public Library- Story Times — Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. — Saturdays 10:30 a.m. Youth Connection — Tuesdays 5:00 p.m.
Llano Events Center - Events scheduled most weekends.Generally, admission is free. Call the Llano Visitor’s Center for more information and details. 325-247-5354.
Llano Masonic Lodge 242 - Meets every second Tuesday of the month. Meal at 6:30pm, meeting at 7:30pm. 800 block of Ford Street.
Llano County Master Gardeners meet 5:30 p.m. on 3rd Thursday of each mo. - Speakers - Public invited. For location call: (979) 240-9920 or (325) 247-5159,
McCulloch Lodge 273 in Mason - Meets third Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm. W. Moreland Street, one block off of square.
Monday’s Friends aka Caregiver’s Day Out -Mondays, 10am-2pm, Grace Episcopal Church, 1200 Oatman, Llano. An activity program for individuals of dementia or moderate Alzheimer’s Disease. For more info, call Sally Daniel at 325-423-1705 or Sharon Keilin at 325-423-0970.
Peer Support Grou- for those who have been diagnosed with a mental illness. Group offfers educational materials and an opportunity to share about mental illness. Hill Country MHDD; 1447 Hwy 71 E., Suite C 325-247-5895 Mondays from 10a-11a.
Philanthropic Educational Organization Chapter IG meets 9:30 a.m. on the first Monday of each month. Women who are already P.E.O. members, who are unaffiliated with a chapter and who may be new to the area may join one of the local chapters. P.E.O. assists women in continuing their education. Call (830) 798-2459 or (830) 598-5052.
POSSE - People On Social Security Etc, of LWM United Methodist Church welcomes all to join a time of fellowship and food (by donation) from 11am-12:30pm the third Thursday of each month. For those who enjoy ‘Sing Along Music’, come at 10:30am and join Mary Fay Wallace for a great ‘Sing Along’ time.
Quilts of Valor Workshop meets each Monday at 100 Exchange Place, Llano from 10AM to 4PM. Bring a lunch and help sew a quilt to honor our Veterans and Wounded Warriors. 325-423-5487.
Texas Hills Quilters - Meets every third Monday at 11am at Country Quilt Shop, 100 Exchange Place, Llano.