The Llano Fine Arts Guild is honored to have Jean Smith Hensley back again to present a "hands on" demonstration of Zentangle. It is easy-to-learn, relaxing, and a fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. The demo will be at the Art Studio located at 503 Bessemer Avenue (just north of the Inks Bridge) on November 3rd at 10:00 a.m. She has asked that students bring marker pens, colored sharpies, colored pencils, etc. The public is invited to attend the class. A potluck lunch will be served afterward. The LFAG is a non-profit organization; therefore a $5.00 donation will cover the demo and potluck luncheon.
Jean was born in Flat, Texas, raised in Amherst, Texas, and moved to Ballinger, Texas with her husband, Charles, in 1995 after retirement from the U.S. Border Patrol. She began painting in 1970 and has been teaching almost that long. She teaches a weekly class at the Do-Art Studio in Ballinger. She is a member of The Creative Arts Club in Abilene, Texas and is the president of the Mid-West Artist's Guild in Ballinger.