For more than 50 years, New Braunfels has been celebrating all things sausage, ever since Mayor Ed Grist conceived an idea to boost the local economy. The first year Wurstfest was held, in 1961, around 2,000 people attended. Within five years, the festival had grown from a one day event to a 10-day event drawing more than 35,000 people to the popular event.
Today, Wurstfest has become a tradition for families, both those who make the trek in November to the Wurstfest grounds in Landa Park, as well as those who have been bringing delectable favorites using recipes that have been passed down over the years from the original chefs.
Typical fare for Wurstfest includes sausage, in all its German glory, served in stews, goulashes, on plates and on sticks. More German favorites, like potato pancakes and sauerkraut, draw people in, despite long lines. Just like any great German celebration, beer is at the center; German, Texan, domestic – all on tap and available by the cup or the pitcher.
Wurstfest is hosted on the banks of the Comal River, on grounds dedicated to the annual event. There is plenty of space to wander, and lots to see, spread out across the Wurstfest Grounds. Visit the Marketplatz to shop among the vendors, grab a seat in the Wursthalle to eat and enjoy the best of polka and dancing, walk through the Biergarten, and kids will be thrilled to explore Kinderhalle. A carnival is also a staple, and the Wurst Wagen is available to take you straight from where you're staying to the front gate.
People not only eat and drink in fine German-fashion, they also dress the part. Drindls and lederhosen color the sea of people, and hats- oh the hats. From traditional to outlandish, headgear is almost a necessity. Even if you aren't into dancing the polka or the chicken dance (who doesn't like the chicken dance?), you will find entertainment in watching others try!
What goes best with beer and great German food? Great German music, of course! There is nowhere else in Texas to experience the traditional oompa music brought to Wurstfest from as far away as Bavaria. Even if you don't speak Deutsch, you will find yourself tapping your toes to the upbeat tunes playing throughout the event.
Make plans to be there this year, for the 54th Annual Wurstfest, beginning on November 7 at 5pm with the traditional Opening Ceremonies and the Biting of the Sausage. It will continue over the course of the next 10 days, beginning each day at 11:30am, ending on Sunday, November 16.
Tickets can be purchased online at www.wurstfest.com. Find more information, the schedule, and the music lineup there as well. Also, check out the Info section – great tips to make your time at Wurstfest that much more enjoyable.
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